/*========= Corpo =========*/ Theme Name: Corpo Theme URI: http://webtuts.pl/themes/corpo/ Version: 1.3.2 Requires at least: WP 3.4 Tested up to: WP 3.7 Author: Aleksandra Łączek Author URI: http://webtuts.pl/themes/ License: GNU General Public License v3.0 License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html ------------------------------------------------------- Corpo WordPress Theme, Copyright 2013 Webtuts.pl The Corpo theme and all included images are distributed under the terms of the GNU GPL ------------------------------------------------------- /*========= Credits =========*/ Theme Corpo uses: * Open Sans font (available through Google web Fonts: http://www.google.com/webfonts/specimen/Open+Sans), licensed under Apache License Version 2 (http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html) * FlexSlider by WooThemes under the GPLv2 license (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html) * FontAwesome by Dave Gandy (http://fontawesome.io) licensed under the SIL OFL 1.1 (http://scripts.sil.org/OFL) * TGM Plugin Activation library (https://github.com/thomasgriffin/TGM-Plugin-Activation) licensed under GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Meta Box library (http://www.deluxeblogtips.com/meta-box/) licensed under GNU General Public License v2.0 or later /*========= Description =========*/ Corpo is a responsive business & portfolio theme which can be used for personal or corporate website. It features slider on the home page, 5 custom widgets, 2 menu locations and theme options to easily manage your website. Corpo also offers additional Portfolio custom post type to showcase your work. For questions, comments or bug reports, please go to WordPress forums (http://wordpress.org/support/). /*========= Installation =========*/ You can install the theme through the WordPress installer under "Themes" > "Install themes" by searching for it. Alternatively you can download the file, unzip it and move the unzipped contents to the "wp-content/themes" folder of your WordPress installation. You will then be able to activate the theme. This theme relies on Corpo Toolkit plugin for some of the functionality. This plugin is bundled with the theme. After you activate Corpo, you'll see messege on top of your screen, asking you to install Corpo Toolkit plugin. Make sure that you activate too! If you dismiess this notice, but find yourself wanting to install Corpo Toolkit leater, you can start installation from Appereance->Install plugins. /*========= Theme Features =========*/ * Multiple Color Schemes * 5 Custom Widgets * Internationalized & localization * Drop-down Menu * Cross-browser compatibility * Threaded Comments * Gravatar ready * 2 custom post types * Home Page Slider * Theme Options /*========= Documentation =========*/ For documentation go to http://webtuts.pl/documentation/corpo == Changelog == = 1.3.2 - 27.10.2013 = * fixed bug with stacking sidebar widgets = 1.3 - 10.10.2013 = * Added stylesheet for orange color scheme * Fixed color scheme stylesheet and custom.js enqueue * Updated Meta Box library to 4.3 * Fixed issues with mobile version = 1.2 - 20.08.2013 = * Updated .po file * Fixed small menu glitch * Screenshot update * Modified services widget, added editable anchor text * Fixed issues with mobile version = 1.1 - 30.07.2013 = * Fixed stylesheet enqueue to facilitate child themes * Fixed spelling issue = 1.0 - 30.07.2013 = * Fixed issues with sidebars = 0.9 - 27.07.2013 = * Removed unnecessary function_exists() calls * Removed description from header * Changed Corpo Toolkit plugin to recommended instead of required = 0.8 - 27.07.2013 = * Added credit links = 0.7 - 25.07.2013 = * Minor code changes * Fixed mailto link in contact widget * Fixed minor styling issues = 0.6 - 12.07.2013 = * Moved #content-wrapper to header.php * Corpo Toolkit Plugin update * Fixed minor styling issues = 0.5 - 10.07.2013 = * Moved shortcodes to plugin * [Bugfix] Fixed issues with popular posts widget = 0.4 - 08.07.2013 = * [Bugfix] Fixed display of trackbacks & pingbacks * [Bugfix] Fixed portfolio display issue in Corpo Toolkit plugin * Generated new .po file for translation = 0.3 - 05.07.2013 = * Moved Custom Post Types Slider & Portfolio to plugin * [Bugfix] Fixes to functions.php * Removed Twitter Widget * [Bugfix] Fixed menu on iPad * [Bugfix] Fixed issues with tags under post * [Bugfix] Fixed project meta display issues on project page = 0.2 - 24.05.2013 = * [Bugfix] Fixed post pagination issues * Added Blog Page template * [Bugfix] Fixed styling issues = 0.1 - 21.05.2013 = Initial release