== Changelog == = Theme Name: Figero Theme = = Version: 1.5.7 = 1. Change styling on post. 2. Remove error on 404 page and some other page. = Version: 1.5.6 = *************************************** 1. Support Link Button Added In WordPress Customize = Version: 1.5.5 = *************************** * Theme option to WordPress customizer API migration. = Version: 1.5.4 = *************************** * Theme check issue fixed. * All text domain matched with theme directory. * Language .pot file matched with text domain. * Use add_theme_support( 'title-tag' ) with after_theme_setup hook and removed title tag from header.php. * Escaped Some Hard coded link. = Version: 1.5.3 = * Theme url changed. * Removed query_posts and used wp_query instead. * Removed wp_enqueue_script('jquery'). * Escaped all urls. * Function added for title filter. * Option added for disable default front page. * Meta keyword, meta description and meta author removed from header.php. * Site title and site description added in header, if site logo uploaded via theme option, site title and description will be disappeared. = Version: 1.5.2 = * Removed analytic option. * All supporting function hooked into after_setup_theme hook. * Added plugins notification for recommends plugin. * Replace preg_replace function with ereg_replace. = Version: 1.5.1 = * Issue get_theme_data is deprecated since version 3.4! is now fixed. * Removed @package WordPress. * Function prefix issue fixed. = Version: 1.5 = * Logo not working fixed = Version: 1.4 = * Category page don't display properly fixed. * Debug errors fixed. = Version: 1.3 = * Google analytics code issue fixed. * Readme file added. * Debug issue fixed. * Category page don't display properly issue fixed. * Enqueue script issue fixed. * Comment reply thread resolved. * Admin stylesheet enqueue resolved. * Theme support function hooks resolved.