----------------------------------------------- License: ----------------------------------------------- Pitch WordPress Theme, Copyright 2012 SiteOrigin.com Pitch a GPL theme. See license.txt This theme includes the following external libraries and resources * Nivo Slider - MIT license * FlexSlider by Tyler Smith under MIT license * Selectivizr by Keith Clark under MIT license * Freecns Icons by Yannick Lung under a simple "Free" license, bundled with permission from the author. ----------------------------------------------- Limitations: ----------------------------------------------- If your site title is too long, it'll disappear behind the top search input. You should keep your site title to 26 characters or less. ----------------------------------------------- Change Log: ----------------------------------------------- = 1.0 = Initial Release = 1.0.1 = Various bug fixes and updates = 1.1 = Added references to Pitch Premium. Various other fixes and updates. = 1.1.5 = Various updates and fixes = 1.2.2 = Added option to change footer text. Added main menu scaling. Fixed gallery. Added translation domain. = 1.2.3 = Changed a setting default = 1.3 = Updated to the latest SiteOrigin extras framework.