== Not-To-Me == tags: email, suppress copyright (c) 2005 Scott Merrill skippy@skippy.net | http://www.skippy.net/ Released under the terms of the GNU General Public License. Distributed with no warranty. Use it at your own risk. When activated, this plugin prevents email notification when the blog admin posts a comment. The theory is that the blog author knows she's commenting by dint of the fact that she's typing a reply. As such, she probably doesn't need an email to let her know that she just commented. Currently this only suppresses emails when the admin comments. I'll leave it as an exercise to the reader to suppress emails when the post author comments. == INSTALLATION == Copy the not-to-me.php file to /wp-content/plugins/ Activate the plugin in your WordPress administrative interface == FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS == Q. What is the square root of negative one? A. i, the imaginary number Q. What is your favorite color? A. Royal blue. Q. Are there any qustions related to Not-To-Me ? A. Not yet!